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Peters Applauds New Law to Boost Transparency in Senate Campaigns

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Gary today applauded a new law to provide greater openness and transparency in future U.S. Senate campaigns. President Trump has signed into law the Campaign Disclosure Parity Act, bipartisan legislation Peters cosponsored that will require all Senate candidates and campaign committees to file their financial disclosure forms electronically. Currently, these organizations are the only federal political committees that are permitted to file paper disclosure reports with the Secretary of the Senate rather than electronically with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

“In today’s digital age, it’s simply commonsense that Senate candidates should be required to file their financial reports electronically and allow voters to easily see who is supporting their campaigns,” said Senator Peters. “At a time when wealthy special interests are drowning out the voices of American voters, Congress should act to bring more transparency to our election system. I am pleased that this bipartisan bill has been signed into law, puttings more information in the hands of the people.”

Senator Peters has been a strong supporter of campaign finance reform. Last year, Peters cosponsored the Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act, which requires outside groups spending over $10,000 on election advertising, including super PACs, to publically disclose their donors. Additionally, Peters cosponsored the Fair Elections Now Act, which enables smaller, citizen-funded elections in order to provide a greater platform for small donors and grassroots organizations.
