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Peters Helps Senate Pass Families First Coronavirus Response Act, Calls for More Action

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) released the following statement after voting for the bipartisan Senate passage of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act – which, among other actions, provides Michigan with $850 million in Medicaid support:

“I’m glad that the Senate finally passed this bipartisan bill that will give-much needed support to Michigan workers and families affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. This bill includes important measures such as unemployment assistance, expanded paid sick leave, free testing and efforts to provide food security to families and children in need.

“There is no question, however, that we must take additional decisive and swift action to confront this public health and economic crisis. We must dramatically expand testing, increase unemployment assistance to workers forced to stay home and support small businesses that are facing unprecedented challenges. I will keep working with my colleagues in a bipartisan manner to advance critical efforts at the federal level and partner with Governor Whitmer, our state and local leaders, and health officials to prioritize our most pressing needs so we effectively confront this public health emergency.”

Peters has been pushing for aggressive, significant action to address this pandemic. Last week, he led introduction of bipartisan legislation to provide disaster unemployment assistance, called for the President to declare a national emergency, led introduction of legislation to require free COVID-19 testing and called on the Administration to re-open health care enrollment and address the testing shortage. He previously helped the Senate pass emergency funding, including $14.5 million for Michigan’s Coronavirus response efforts.
